Evaluation of yield and advantage indices in additive intercropping series of triticale with vetch under dryland conditions

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Lorestan University

2 Student / Lorestan University


To investigate the effects of different intercropping arrangements on triticale and vetch forage yield and to find the use advantage in the intercropping system, an experiment was carried out based on randomized complete block design with seven treatments and four replications at the Research Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Loreston in 2013-2014. Experimental treatments including were seven different planting patterns(vetch:triticale) (V100: 100:0, V100T30: 100:30, V100T40: 100:40, V100T50: 100:50, V100T60: 100:60, V100T70: 100:70, T100: 0: 100). The results showed that, the highest amount of dry forage yield is obtained from V100:T60 intercropping ratio. Land Equivalent Ratio revealed that in V100T60 ratio, yield was 60% more than monoculture. Based on area-time equivalent ratio, V100:T60 treatment had 60% advantage compared to monoculture.Utility indices showed that aditive series intercropping is more useful than sole cropping, that can to farmer advised. Thus, 100:60 complemantary component was superior than other tratments.
Keywords: Forage, Additive Series Intercropping, Utility Indice


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